Tuesday, April 14, 2009

High School Never Ends

RM8 each (postage included)

Prom Trilogy
Also sold in bundle - RM15
Prom Trilogy - Max and Jane
Prom Trilogy - Jake and Christy

Brothers Trilogy
Sold in bundle - RM20

Brothers Trilogy - Jonny
Brothers Trilogy - Kevin
Brothers Trilogy - Danny

Let's face it, as teenagers, we all receive guilty reading pleasures from books bearing the titles - 'Love Stories' or 'Sweet Valley' in our shelves. I'm one of them too. Obviously, I've outgrown them now and have moved on to more intellectual (I hope) reading pleasures.

So, I've decided to let them go at RM8 each. Or you can choose to buy it in a bundle. The price is inclusive of postage. They may be just a little older than the rest of my books, but they are still in really good condition. They are also wrapped nicely in clear plastic and have no dog eared pages.

So relive your childhood, anyone? Or maybe bless your niece, daughter, younger sister with these reads at a cheaper price? :)